
Find your perfect home or sell your property quickly and efficiently with Dom ekspert

Hire experts who will save you time and money

Working with established real estate mediators not only gives you security and protection but also brings you quick and quality results, eliminating needless stress.  

Our educated experts will prepare all the necessary documents (preliminary contract, contract, handover record), list your real estate, find the right buyer, achieve a maximum price, and finalize the handover. 

The right real estate expert will save you time and money and provide you with support during the entire process. 

Let us lead you on your way to succesful deal

  • familiarizing the seller with all the steps of the process
  • familiarizing the seller with the state of the market and the average price of similar properties
  • collection of documents related to real estate
  • real estate advertising
  • presenting the property to the buyer
  • mediation in negotiations
  • preparation of documentation (purchase agreement, contract, tabular statement,
  • power of attorney, record of handover)
  • ransfer of management relations to a new user (customer)
  • introducing the customer to all the steps of the process
  • finding a suitable property in accordance with the given criteria and the buyer's budget
  • verification of ownership and construction-technical documentation
  • presentation to the buyer of proof of ownership of the real estate that is the subject of the sale (warn the client of obvious deficiencies and possible risks related to the disorderly state of the real estate and the lack of a building and use permit)
  • a meeting with the seller during which all essential elements of the purchase and sale are agreed upon
  • organizing signature verification on the pre-contract and/or real estate purchase agreement at a notary public
  • preparation of documentation (purchase agreement, contract, tabular statement, power of attorney, handover record)
  • transfer of management relations to a new user (customer)
  • determining the market value of the real estate
  • verification of the land registry status of the property
  • familiarization with the steps of the buying and selling process
  • tips for preparing the property when presenting and photographingnja 


I want to sell a real estate

What do our customers say?

Zahvaljujući Snježani iz Dom Eksperta prošli smo kroz proces kupnje prve nekretnine opušteni i sa stručnom podrškom na svakom koraku. Čuli smo da je kupnja prve nekretnine strašna i stresna, ali nama je bila uzbudljiva i ugodna, čak i sa APN-om. Hvala Snježana!
Igor Pavliško
An agent from Dom Ekspert provided us with great support, since the very beginning of our selling process. She was always available for all our questions, and precise when it came to paperwork. She would clarify all our doubts, updated us on regular basis, and adjusted herself to our schedule. We would like to thank the agency for connecting us to an expert and professional person who was a great part of this big step in our lives.
Maja and Pavao Vukas
Veliko hvala agenciji Dom Ekspert, Ivani Čikić, a posebno njihovoj agentici za nekeretnine, Ani Jelečević, prvenstveno na strpljenju, volji, trudu i radu koje je uložila u nas prilikom kupovine, odnosno odabira stambenog prostora. Zahvalni smo supruga i ja na izdvojenom vremenu s njene strane i prilagodbi nama i našim radnim, odnosno slobodnim vremenima, te njenoj stručnosti, profesionalnosti, detaljnim i iscrpnim objašnjenjima, i nadasve znanju o nekretninama, također posebno moram istaknuti i ljubaznost.
Petar Stjepanović
Odlična firma i još bolje osoblje. Mi smo surađivali sa gospođom Snježanom koja nam je bila cijelo vrijeme na usluzi u bilo koje doba dana. Firma ima odličnu suradnju sa državnim upravama i bankama te znaju kome se moraju obratit. Svakako preporučamo navedenu agenciju za kupnju nekretnine ili zemljišta ili prodaje istih.
Tomislav Gregorin
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